Fees Course Fees Update Coming Soon! We are in the process of updating our course fee details. If you would like to inquire about course fees, please feel free to contact us. Phone Hotline : (+94) 77 230 8559 Land : (+94) 11 287 8246 Email info@universalmarinein.com INSTITUTE PROGRAMS Program Duration Total Semester DurationTotal Credit Cost per Credit Tuition Fee Basic Fee Total Cost Bachelor of Business Administration 4 years 12 141 3,700.00 499,500.00 206,500.00 706,000.00 Bachelor of Laws 4 years 8 144 4,500.00 634,500.00 206,500.00 841,000.00 Bachelor of Media Studies And Journalism (BMSJ) 4 years 12 132 3,500.00 441,000.00 206,500.00 647,500.00 BBA in Tourism & Hospitality Management 4 years 12 141 2,500.00 337,500.00 214,500.00 552,000.00